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Vagina plaster caster turns to scanning naked body parts
Jamie McCartney, Brighton based artist, perhaps best known for ‘The Great Wall of Vagina’, has delved into photography with ‘The Sum of Our Parts’. The project was exhibited in November 2014 (Hove, U.K), featuring a series of portraits created from many individual body parts that were taken using a scanning machine. ‘The Sum of Our...

Cult of Self Magazine: Inked Cover Contest
Is your ink cover material? Cult of Self – an initiative between one small seed and Levi’s® – is searching for a standout person that leaves an impression on others. Issue 05 of Cult of Self Magazine gives you all you need to know to win…

From Penn’s ‘Capote’ to Warhol’s ‘Marilyn': “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich” Tributes History’s Photographic Greats
15 years since the iconic “Being John Malkovich” came to our screens, American photographer Sandro Miller has collaborated with the actor, which is also his long-time friend, John Malkovich to recreate some of the most famous portraits captured throughout history.The project, which is titled Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich: Homage to Photographic Masters.

Best of the Month | Blog Posts
We’ve had a busy month, full of exciting contributions from our talented onesmallseed.net members and interesting posts about current events and happenings, ranging from art to people and news. Check out our selection of the most popular blog posts of the month for a round up of March: 1) CITY OF CAPE TOWN’S NEW LOGO...