
Social Media: A (Face)book of lies

Whether it’s via a computer, tablet or smart phone – we’ve all gone face-to-face with Facebook. Sometimes for hours at end… and often for no particular reason at all. We’ve scrolled past the status of that guy posting pictures of his fancy car and his great life. We’ve all gone through our ex’s profile and...

A first for technology, many firsts for humanity

Vodafone has recently launched a ‘firsts’ campaign to ‘help people do things for the first time’. At firsts.com, you’ll be able to view videos following inspirational people such as, for example, Olympian Mary Kom as she builds India’s first female fight club in the remote region of Manipur or rapper Spoek Mathambo, who crosses Africa...

Vagina activism | Shameless provocation or conceptual art?

Deborah de Robertis sits silently as museum-goers stop to contemplate the Luxembourg-based artist’s spread legs until a French police man arrests her for indecent exposure. On 29 May 2014, she walked into Paris’s famous Musée D’Orsay dressed in a gold sequin dress, and posed below the controversial 19th century painting titled ‘The Origin of the...

Best of the Month | Blog Posts

We’ve had a busy month, full of exciting contributions from our talented onesmallseed.net members and interesting posts about current events and happenings, ranging from art to people and news. Check out our selection of the most popular blog posts of the month for a round up of March: 1) CITY OF CAPE TOWN’S NEW LOGO...

The Realest Rainbow Nation of them All

Here’s a thought: take any field — be it history, art, literature, sport, music, architecture, fashion, or film — and we practically guarantee that you will find an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) individual in at least one of the categories who has had an impact on your everyday life in some way or another....


Commissioned by Prada for their Autumn/Winter ’13 collection, Los Angeles-based writer, director & photographer Luke Gilford collaborated with Document Journal, Jane Fonda, and Jake Shears to create an chilling space-age short film, entitled The Future of Flesh.

Vanity Fair: The Decades Series

Ten decades, ten directors. In celebration of Vanity Fair’s 100th anniversary, ten eclectic filmmakers — from Judd Apatow to Don Cheadle to Brett Ratner — created a film on each era of the publication’s century-old history and the Zeitgeist that defined it. Watch all ten episodes of The Decades Series below.

Ian MacKaye: The Political is Personal

In Issue 25 of one small seed magazine – “The Bigger Picture” Issue – we featured an interview with punk rock legend Ian MacKaye. To follow is the full interview – the result of a highly candid two-hour long conversation with MacKaye.

The young Hitler X Mercedes – A provocative new ad

Intelligent transportation systems are designed to protect human life. But what if cars have a soul and could influence the course of history? MCP is a provocative film project that raises these questions but Mercedes remains unconvinced. (Length: 01:19)


Paging through a collection of one small seed magazines, I came across a rather tickling photo shoot entitled South Beach, featured in issue 17, “The Wild Issue”. There is no mistaking its sexual undertone that defies all traditional sense of masculinity.          

Copywriter vs. Art Director

The eternal dispute between Copywriters and Art Directors, based on parisvsnyc.blogspot.com.br and created by Caio Pena (AD), Henrique Parada (AD) and Letícia Hanower (CW). The images speak for themselves… or do they? And so it continues.  