Avant-garde creative Milfred du Toit not only starred in his debut role on the cover of Issue 17 of one small seed but also created the steamy summer spread ‘Discotheque Couture: Wild Young Things’ for our Wild Feature. Shot on a rainy Cape Town night, the shoot was all sexy women, slinky dresses and bubbling champagne. Follow the one small seed crew as they shadow Milfred in another one small seed TV exclusive. Length 05:43 (17 October 2009)
Milfred Wild Girls from one small seed on Vimeo.


Check out issue 17 of the magazine: the ‘Wild Issue.’
Cast: milfred du toit- matt taylor
Photographer: sam norval
Models: donnet- ice models
agnes-ice models
ellenie-ice models
Music: ‘too drunk to fuck’
nouvelle vaque
‘theme to s express’
s- express
Produced by: remmert malan in collaboration with one small seed TV