Best of the Month / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Editor's Selection / Films / onesmallseedTV / Opinion
No smoke and mirrors in this social experiment
The short film titled “American Reflexxx”, filmed in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 2013, has ignited a fresh debate (when uploaded on 7 April 2015) with its ever-relevant ‘questions about gender stereotypes, mob mentality, and violence in America’ – and the world. The video offers a compelling insight into human behaviour, and is harvesting strong...

The masters are back!!! The Chemical Brothers – Sometimes I Feel So Deserted (Official Audio)

Art / Art / Best of the Month / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Current Edition / Editor's Pick / Editor's Selection / Interviews / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Opinion / Profiles
Rising Up to sit down for a Q&A with OBEY
While a growing number of individuals – laughing, jamming, conversing and feeling the funk on the streets of Braamfontein, Jozi – gazed up at Shepard Fairey’s forming mural of Mandela, one small seed was gearing up for up our talk with the American contemporary street artist/illustrator/activist. Watch our video interview with the face and force...

On a Wire with UNKLE’s co-founder
‘I think it’s a dramatic shake up that’s happening. It’s interesting times for artists now.’ – James Lavelle, 2011. Ernst Lass, our designer at the time, had a conference call with the voice of UNKLE. Discover more about James Lavelle in this interview, featured in our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership...

Art / Best of the Month / Categories / Current Edition / Editor's Pick / Interviews / one small seed / Profiles
Calling Mr Brainwash
From his California home, LA street artist Mr Brainwash – born in Paris under the name Thierry Guetta – gave one small seed an exclusive phone interview. Originally published in issue 24 and now featured in our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership with PUMA.

In 2009, we discovered the artist who was born a dog…
one small seed’s old editor, Dylan Culhane, discovers the extraordinary imagination of Ray Caesar. First published in issue 12 and now part of our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership with PUMA.

Best of the Month / Categories / Current Edition / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Editor's Selection / Interviews / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Photography / Profiles
Roger Ballen: much more than Die Antwoord’s inspiration
Meeting New York-born, South African-based photographer Roger Ballen was a surreal and humbling experience. His brazen creativity, technique and ability to ‘see’ some one/something in a way you or I might not… A true genius with such a rare and beautiful insight into the human soul and mind. Watch our short doccie and Q&A with...

Art / Best of the Month / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Current Edition / Editor's Pick / Interviews / Music / one small seed / Opinion / Profiles
Crazier than Hunter S. Thompson?
Our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership with PUMA, features a rare interview with the legendary Gonzo artist and cartoonist Ralph Steadman. In it he shares (among many other anecdotes): ‘”Rolling Stone” co-founder Jann Wenner agreed that I was crazier than Hunter. Oh Dear’

Behind the Scenes / Best of the Month / Categories / Current Edition / Editor's Pick / Fashion / Fashion / Gallery / Hot / Local / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Photography
Even in the early days of Hendrik Vermeulen Couture, it was all about…
Patterns, texture, and superior quality fabrics. Hendrik Vermeulen Couture forms part of our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership with PUMA. Issue 19’s fashion spread, entitled “Project Aiko: Rise of the Machines”, shows an exquisite collection by the local haute-couture fashion designer.

Behind the Scenes / Best of the Month / Categories / Current Edition / Editor's Pick / Fashion / Gallery / Hot / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Photography
This man knows how to make girls go Wild
Check out this video and photo-shoot starring the avant-garde German creative Matt Taylor, who introduces himself in Issue 17 (The Wild Issue) as Milfred du Toit. Forming part of our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership with PUMA.