Posts tagged "LA"

Calling Mr Brainwash

From his California home, LA street artist Mr Brainwash – born in Paris under the name Thierry Guetta – gave one small seed an exclusive phone interview. Originally published in issue 24 and now featured in our ‘Best Of’ Ten Years one small seed, in partnership with PUMA.

Cocaine-Snorting Oscar Statuette placed on Hollywood Blvd.

Los Angeles-based street artist – Plastic Jesus – often crosses lines with his controversial art, where is known for using satire, criticism and humour to engage and make accessible various political, urban and socio-economic issues. And lines it was, when on Thursday, 19 February 2015, the artist placed a life-sized cocaine-snorting Oscar statuette on LA’s...
Mike Miller: West Coast dialogues

Mike Miller: West Coast dialogues

Born in ’64, Mike Miller spent his early years inspired by the skate, surf and film industry in his home town, Los Angeles. Heading to Europe to work on fashion photography, Miller soon found himself back in LA and right in the middle of a booming music industry. Juxtapoz’s photo editor Estevan Oriol sat down with...