Being abducted as a child, forced to mass-kill and managing to escape this fate is something that — for most of us — is impossible to fathom. Run Jose, directed by Dave Meinert, might be the closest we’ll ever get to understanding just a fraction of what it might feel like. The short film tells the spine-chilling story of Power & Glory bouncer Jose in such a riveting way, that it’s sure to haunt you for some time. On a tequila-downing saturday night, the least of us are willing to get to the bottom of a fierce-looking and sometimes fun-spoiling bouncer’s background. Meinert not only took the time to find out about it, but decided that everyone must know. We admire his dedication and believe Jose’s heart-rending story should be shared.

Run Jose by Dave Meinert

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Run Jose from Dave Meinert on Vimeo.

Run Jose by Dave Meinert

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Run Jose by Dave Meinert

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