Best of the Month / Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Editor's Selection / Films / onesmallseedTV / Opinion
No smoke and mirrors in this social experiment
The short film titled “American Reflexxx”, filmed in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 2013, has ignited a fresh debate (when uploaded on 7 April 2015) with its ever-relevant ‘questions about gender stereotypes, mob mentality, and violence in America’ – and the world. The video offers a compelling insight into human behaviour, and is harvesting strong...

Best of the Month / Categories / Current Edition / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Editor's Selection / Interviews / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Photography / Profiles
Roger Ballen: much more than Die Antwoord’s inspiration
Meeting New York-born, South African-based photographer Roger Ballen was a surreal and humbling experience. His brazen creativity, technique and ability to ‘see’ some one/something in a way you or I might not… A true genius with such a rare and beautiful insight into the human soul and mind. Watch our short doccie and Q&A with...

Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Films / one small seed / onesmallseedTV / Short Films
Exclusive Video Interview with ex-gang member of the Pollsmoor 28s
For one small seed exclusive insider’s account, writer Paul White tells the story of an ex-gang member of the Pollsmoor 28s, part of the infamous South African Number Gangs feared around the world. His name is Joburg

Clouds and Drones for the #First Skate Revolution
Skateboarding in Budapest had its heyday in the ‘90s but, with only one skate shop and nowhere to skate, it only went – excuse the pun –‘downhill’ from there. Luckily, Hungarian skateboarder Balasz Jassek and Vodafone came up with a plan: organise the #First Skate Revolution in Budapest. To get kids away from their iPad...

Everybody Street is a documentary by photographer and documentarian Cheryl Dunn that pays homage to one of the most culturally and visually stimulating cities — the sometimes mean but always mighty New York City. Being a drawcard for impulsive adventurers from across the globe and rich in history as well as forward-thinking movements, the vibrant...

Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Interviews / onesmallseedTV / Photography
| Video & Interview | I See A Different You
Africa is the root of everything we know, from the first of humankind to stand on two legs to the origin of every technological device we use today… and the mix and diversity of cultures on this continent is staggering; from the Berbers in the Atlas Mountains, to the Bantu tribes in the east and...

Categories / Culture & Lifestyle / Doccies / Editor's Pick / Editor's Selection / one small seed / onesmallseedTV
M.I.A. uncovered: Documentary Teaser
The 37-year-old English artist M.I.A (real name Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam) is well known for her controversial and provocative techniques. Unwilling to be swayed by the media, she has firmly expressed her views in shocking and intriguing ways. With aggressive lyrics and catchy beats M.I.A. has carved a permanent and revered spot in music history. Steve...

ISO – Heaven (Official Music Video)
ISO has released the official music video for their latest single ‘Heaven’, which is their third single from their fourth studio album titled Piece by Piece (2012). Back in 2011, the team at one small seed got a chance to follow the band on their journey to perform at Synergy Live… Check out both videos...

JOBURG PARTY! – A snapshot of SA’s new youth underground
Over two days and nights in Johannesburg, South Africa, Rod Stanley & Chris Saunders travelled to illegal rooftop parties, warehouse raves, street fashion shoots and poolside jams to meet some of the young musicians, DJs, zine publishers and artists set on taking the SA scene global, and asked them how the city’s youth culture is...