Selected Creatives Competition 06 – the Winners!
by one small seed on Jan 11, 2012 • 11:55 pm 2 CommentsIf you haven’t got your hands on the latest one small seed magazine – Issue 24 “Listen to my Colour & lLok at my Sound” – to find out who the winners are in the sixth installment of Selected Creatives Competition, then simply keep on reading…
Your votes have been counted, and here are the three winners: Jessica Lupton with her sharp aesthetic wit; Laura McCullagh who shares a selection of stunning nature macrophotographic shots and Abe Viljoen, whose illustrations demonstrate his visceral flair.
Female / Cape Town/Photographer/Digital Designer

Laura Mc Cullagh

Laura Mc Cullagh

Laura Mc Cullagh
I tend to look on the gloomy side of life, despite the kind of things I photograph. It’s easy to forget that we’re surrounded by beauty as it often gets overshadowed by the darker stuff. Seeking and capturing that beauty is what I love most about photography. It’s about emotion and personal expression. I find macrophotography particularly fascinating. Looking at things a little closer reveals a whole other world. It’s like magic. My inspirations include nature, music, mythology and dreams.
To find out more about Laura, simply click HERE to visit her profile page on one small seed network.
Male/Cape Town/Illustrator

Abe Viljoen

Abe Viljoen

Abe Viljoen
I’ve dabbled in many techniques and styles, though no other series has been quite as successful as Iron Animals. I just had this sudden urge one night to create animals made from urban decay. Some sort of play on evolution, asking what happens when an animal’s natural habitat has all but vanished? Iron Animals is a set of grungy photo manipulations that blend matte painting with graffiti influences to a point that nothing of the original remains.
To find out more about Abe, simply click HERE to visit her profile page on one small seed network.
Female /Johannesburg /Conceptual stylist

Jessica Lupton

Jessica Lupton

Jessica Lupton
I am inspired by everything around me, including current affairs, music, films and photography. Every shoot is a collaborative effort. Steve Marais and JP Hanekom are incredible photographers and conceptual innovators and we structure shoots around mutual input. I have also worked with amazing makeup artists and hairstylists that transform shoots into something really beautiful. I would define my creative style as classic: I want to create images that are timeless.
To find out more about Jessica, simply click HERE to visit her profile page on one small seed network.
Click HERE to read the full breakdown of issue 24!
Isabelle Chappin says:
Jan 12, 2012
I love Jessica’s fashionable, strong and fierce images! WOWW.
One Small Seed Selected Creatives 6 | Laura's pics & ramblings says:
Jan 25, 2012
[…] Small Seed issue #24 is out now – read the feature over here. ————————Other posts that may or may not be related…Mexican KitchenSeason's […]