Fascinated by circus folk and fancy dress, Virginie Harel had always been inspired by festivals – the colours, the experimental, the people… the non-conformists. Her album The Mannequin Masquerades is playful and unplanned – colours may clash, flowers may be fake, lipstick is nail polish and men dress as women. We just had to find out more…
Who are you?
I am a colour-crazed gypsy squirrel, I travel by magic carpet, sampling all things off-beat, kaleidoscopic, succulent and melodic. I thrive on life’s little wonders and recently became proud parent of two magical mannequins.
Tell us how and when you started photography?
I started photographing after doing a hand developing photography course at Photofusion in Brixton, London about 13 years ago.
Are mannequins easy models to work with?
Mannequins are great models, very adaptable and never have bad hair days.
Do they eat?
Mannequins only eat at night, when humans are sleeping. Should they be fed during the day, they may bite.
Please tell us how?
After hours, I shoot within the depths of my studio flat in Green Point – also known as the Squirrel’s Nest. The Mannequins now call this nest their home too – The Mannequin Masquerade Headquarters. On our travels this week we tracked down a supplier of traffic beacons for a future photo-shoot and spent the day masquerading at West Coast National Park in celebration of Women’s Day. The mannequins caused quite a stir in the serenity & tranquillity of the park. I recorded comments overheard by curious by-passers when they spot the mannequins:
“I wonder who did this?!”
“Is this for real?”
“How many of these do you have?”
“Is dit ‘n dame? Dit lyk soos a forken mermaid!”
“Is this some sort of experiment or competition or something? Would you like to bring them for a drink at my place – I stay in a house not far from here.”
How did your phone drown?
My phone drowned a very sorrowful death due to being accidentally dropped in a pot of water, whilst speaking to my Fox (my boyfriend).
Some of the work can be seen as rather trippy… How do you feel about hallucinogenics and the creative doors it can open?
Many people have said this to me – ironically no hallucinogenics or even a single drop of alcohol have been involved during the past two months of photographing these mannequins – I decided to pursue a period of alcohol-free existence for two months and BAM! this happened! This is thus proof that creativity can explode via many channels, including the understated and underrated doors of sobriety.
What inspired you behind your album Mannequin Masquerades?
There was no specific inspiration behind the Masquerades – one Monday I woke up wanting a mannequin then the search began – I was quoted between R800 – R3000 for various mannequins. Madame Manique Win (the female) belonged to me when I did a year of Fashion Design at Natal Technikon in 1996, so my mother kindly sent her down from Durban to me. Madame Manique Win then begged me to find her a playmate, so we found Monsieur Tranny Quin shortly after her arrival in the Mothership at Milnerton Market – the rest has been total improvisation and organic spontaneity.
I have an assortment of fabrics, clothing & accessories that we play with. It starts with the prop of a hat or a wig & the rest unfolds. There is no law & order where these punks are concerned, that’s for the humans.
What can the kaleidoscopic escape be seen to represent in your story.
Kaleidoscopic escape refers to the visual escape I hope that viewers get when they see these photos & in particular the kaleidoscope-like collages that I have created from the photographs.
‘Fantasy is the new reality ‘ – can you tell me a little more about this.
The mannequins get themselves into such astounding outfits & lighting situations, that they may appear to be in & from another dimension. Some people have mistaken the mannequins in some photographs for humans. This fantastical illusion is reality to the mannequins.
You went to AfrikaBurn this year right… ? What was your most bizarre memory you came back with?
Yes, this year was my first burn – what an incredible experience. Highlighting the most bizarre memory is quite a tricky one because there were so many! First thing that comes to mind was a surprise meeting and improvised story-telling session by MAfrica – the intriguing green forest fairy with the voice and expressions of a 6-year old child. She appeared one morning at our camp, with an intricate head piece of trees & dangling butterflies, treated us to a few tales and then moved magically forth into the mirage!

title: Cyborg2

Title: TechnoPunkManiqueWin3

Title: PsyRenaissanceTranny2

Title: TechnicolourManique1

Title: LEDRibbon4

Title: LEDCandles3

Title: FuturisticHippieManique1

Title: FineFeatheredTranny3
Interview by: David Plenderleith
Connect with her onesmallseed.net profile here
View more of her work on her Facebook page here