Amateur film maker Ben Jay Crossman exposes a world of violence, crime, drugs and lost youth in his short documentary Streets of Fietas. Crossman follows the life of those who contribute and are affected by the vicious cycle of poverty, crime and drug use. While conducting interviews and showing powerful footage that is completely raw and untailored, those in the video share their personal history and current present concerning relationships, race, theft, prison and living life on the streets. Length 07:41
STREETS OF FIETAS from ben jay crossman on Vimeo.

Responses are void of pageantry which creates for a documentary that is authentic and without hype. Crossman’s passion is to capture as well as create, and through this video he does exactly that. Part III has yet to be released but it is greatly anticipated. Be challenged, shocked, and educated as Crossman transports us to the Streets of Fietas.
STREETS OF FIETAS part 2 from ben jay crossman on Vimeo.

STREETS OF FIETAS part 3 from ben jay crossman on Vimeo.

BEN JAY CROSSMAN | Streets of Fietas | Good Lookin' says:
Oct 30, 2014
[…] One Small Seed also did an amazing post on Crossman’s work, you can check it out here. You can also go have a look at Ben Jay Crossman’s Vimeo […]
BEN JAY CROSSMAN | Streets of Fietas | Rita Hello says:
Dec 4, 2014
[…] One Small Seed also did an amazing post on Crossman’s work, you can check it out here. You can also go have a look at Ben Jay Crossman’s Vimeo […]