What exactly is a Selected Creative? It’s a one small seed initiative that takes talented, local artists and provides them with a platform to show their work. A Selected Creative needs to offer something fresh and intriguing in terms of technique, concept and execution. This week we are excited to present our newest Selected Creative, Charles Harry Mackenzie. Read on to learn more about why Charles Harry Mackenzie was selected and what his work is all about. To make sure you stand a chance at being a Selected Creative, join onesmallseed.net today and upload your top creative work.

Untitled by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Untitled by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Charles describes his work saying it stems from the people around him and his own life, however as far as a general theme goes, he explains his aesthetic changes a lot. ‘I never really like to do the same thing twice. I often like to shoot and write by free-association. It means that my work at large is messy and disorganized with no real specification, but it gives me the freedom to explore topics without overthinking it. I’m big into performance art, and I feel that a photographer should not just be an observer but also a leader. In our society today, the power of photographs is diminishing, and I think the role of a photographer needs to change and adapt to this.’ As an emerging photographer, Charles uses a 5D Mk 2 and a 35mm lens, in addition to film (when he can afford it). He says, ‘I tend to care more about developed photos then digital ones. In the future when ocular photography becomes possible, I will most likely be one of the first cats to upgrade my eye for photographic capabilities, although it will most likely drive me crazy.’

For inspiration, Charles values a ‘fresh eyes’ approach, meaning he is always motivated by something that he has never seen or done before. ‘That’s why I’m a big fan of photographing and filming performance art. The environment, the reaction and the subject of your focus are always different. It can never be the same. So, I am inspired more by the people and environments that I shoot more then anything else really. I guess unconsciously I absorb inspiration from a variety of things, but nothing gets my mind spinning more than the actual shoot itself.’

If you’d like to keep an eye on Charles, click here to check out Waking, a performance art piece he photographed last year, or here for his last big project called People Street, a photo and video collage of people in all areas of Cape Town. At present, he’s busy working on a video portrait series called ‘Creatures of Cape Town’.

Mthabisi, at the pool by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Mthabisi, at the pool by Charles Harry Mackenzie

September by Charles Harry Mackenzie

September by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Shoprite by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Shoprite by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Bat Country by Charles Harry Mackenzie

Bat Country by Charles Harry Mackenzie

If you like Charles’ work, check out the gallery below for more of his images or go to his website.