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Fuel 2015’s AfrikaBurn Excitement with a look back at our 300-page online ’12 Burn memory book!
AfrikaBurn 2015 is on everyone’s minds – well at least on ours! So, we’re re-sharing a something that’ll ignite your pre-Burn excitement and leave you smiling from nostalgia. It’s our stunning online magazine that we created after the 2012 AfrikaBurn… a journal into the Karoo that gives visual and written insight into AfrikaBurn. No picture...

Desert Memories: Afrika Burn in Pictures
Who’s going to Afrika Burn this year? And who’s missing out on the fun? Either way, we thought we’d show you a mag we compiled in 2012 to set the mood for your trip up to Tankwa or — if your budget doesn’t allow it this year — to soothe your festival FOMO with some...

The Street Store | Taking the Clothes off your Back
The Street Store – the world’s first rent-free, premise-free, pop-up charity store began in January this year. Started right in the heart of Cape Town by Max Pazak and Kayli Vee Levitan, the idea is to set up temporary spaces where clothes can be given away to the poor through a real shopping experience that...

Competition-time on one small seed!
With our Selected Creatives Competition, Orms & Synergy Live Music Photography Competition and Rock The Boat Competition we have a lot to offer you this month. Read on to find out how you can participate and win some amazing prices!

With our last issue – #23 “Cult of Self” – being our sixth anniversary edition and marking our first year as an internationally distributed publication, we are very proud to present round six of our Selected Creative’s Competition, brought to you by Rado. A one small seed initiative that started in May 2010, Selected Creatives...