The short film titled “American Reflexxx”, filmed in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 2013, has ignited a fresh debate (when uploaded on 7 April 2015) with its ever-relevant ‘questions about gender stereotypes, mob mentality, and violence in America’ – and the world. The video offers a compelling insight into human behaviour, and is harvesting strong opinions from individuals all over.


In this technicoloured social experiment, director Alli Coates films performance artist Signe Pierce parading in stripper garb and wearing a mask along the popular ocean-side street in Myrtle Beach. The pair agreed not to communicate until the experiment was finished, but never expected the horror that would unfold in under an hour. ‘Whether it’s race or gender, or class or anything like that, we just had no intention going into this video about any of those things… It just inherently happened because that’s how real society works.'(Coates)

Some of the comments from the public in the video:

Will you do me in that later?

That’s a man

What is she doing? What’s up with that?


Here are some of the comments on YouTube, leave us your own at the bottom of the post

Christopher Franko (Sr)
One thing is for certain, this short film made me feel. It made me feel angry, sad, disgusted, terrified, ashamed, helpless. The shot of her on the ground as a hoard of degenerates collectively cheer on and perpetuate her abuse by sharing to social media, was probably the most powerful thing I’ve seen in an incredibly long time. BRAVO!

This made me feel nauseous, and scared. People are terrifying. Reminds me of one time two guys followed me home from a liquor store, shouting homophobic things all the way. Then they knocked the phone out of my hands when I was trying to call the police and knocked me to the ground. It’s not safe out there. People are disgusting.

Daniel Sonnentag
The United Savages of America!